Sunday, March 24, 2013

20th Birthday Extravaganza!

So technically I turn 20 tomorrow, but since I go to school until 2:30 and then work until 10:00 at night, me and my boyfriend celebrated today (: I got all dolled up and we went out to Red Lobster with his little brother and enjoyed us a feast!

Daniel and I all dressed up, well somewhat dressed up nicely haha. Our four year anniversary is only a couple days away as well! Can't wait to give him his gifts. He's definitely gonna die when he opens them up. 

Daniel ordered this delicious tropical BBQ chicken. It tasted pretty good, but it was nothing compared to my  salmon and shrimp! Definitely enjoyed the seafood.

So my birthday has long passed and its already April, but my schedules been so busy I havent had time to tell you what actually happened on my 20th birthday! After spending the day working I came home to the most beautiful flower arrangement ever!
There were balloons attached too! And a handmade card from my boyfriend! He really surprised me, there were a few tears. 
He also got me this tiny flower arrangement that I kept on our night stand by the window. It survived for days! It was so beautiful and I was so touched. I rarely ever receive flowers so it meant so much to me. I love him so much, and that little surprise made my birthday 10 times better! (:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Kiss Cheetah Print Nail Stickers

I'm always browsing the web for cute new nail ideas and designs. I know the sally hansen brand of these nail design stickers have been out for quite some time, but I never got around to trying them because I thought $10 for a pack of 12 was ridiculous. On one of my trips to Harmon's I found these Kiss stickers for only $6 and there are 28 in the pack! Enough to do your fingernails and toenails! I was feeling super lazy and totally didn't want to deal with messy nail polish and cotton balls so I bought a pack took em home and transformed my little piggies!
These nail design stickers are super easy to apply, stay on for days, and are perfect for the summer months coming up! You don't have to worry about chips and leaving them in water for too long is not a problem. Once you stick these on you will not have any problem keeping them on until you decide to peel them off yourself. They're totally cute and come in so many different designs. You can check out all the designs by clicking here.
The box looks like this. Some of the pieces are missing since I did my fingernails with these a couple weeks ago. (Sorry for the bad quality photos! My phone was acting up terribly!) 
Your box should include three sheets of different size stickers and a nail file to cut off any extra stickies at the end. I never use the file. I usually take a pair of scissors and cut off the end as close to the nail as possible and save those extra pieces to incorporate into future nail designs. That way I'm getting way more uses out of them for my money!
You'll notice that one end of the sticker is rounded while the other end is more square. The round end of the sticker is meant for placement on fingernails while the square end is for toenails. It makes for a great fit and an even easier application process. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Favorites: Craftgawker

I don't know if you guys know about the website, I discovered a while ago on stumbleupon. I was mindlessly clicking stumble over and over when I came across this amazing DIY website! It's full of nail art tutorials, mason jar projects, seasonal crafts, and tons more! I find myself browsing through it daily to look for new ideas.
You can randomize your search so tons of different crafts come up or you can refine your search to look for something in particular. I mostly look up nail art tutorials to get ideas for my almost weekly nail fix. If you come across something online that you find really interesting you can even submit that post to the website for thousands of other people to view! I just love it so much!
Just look at all these different categories! I encourage you to check out this website! Just click here to begin your craftgawker journey!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Recipe Adventures: Nutella Swirl Cupcakes

I've been dying to try a couple new things with Nutella, but could never really think of something that sounded really delicious. So I went to trusty Google and searched for some recipes and came across this delicious looking cupcake! I've always had Nutella on toast and with fruit, but I definitely wanted to go a little bit out of the box with my next Nutella adventure. This was probably the best thing I could try!

Nutella Swirl Cupcakes
adapted from The Family Kitchen via Babble
Yields about 12 cupcakes

1/4 cup softened butter
1/4 vegetable oil
3/4 sugar
3 eggs
Dash of vanilla
1 3/4 cup flour
2 tsp. baking powder
Dash of salt (optional)

Preheat oven to 325
I. With an electric mixer, mix together oil and butter until fluffy
II. Add in sugar and vanilla
III. Add in your dry ingredients a little at time . Your batter should be thick after mixing together all ingredients.

IV. Put a spoonful of Nutella on the top of each cupcake.

V.Swirl the Nutella around the top of the cupcake with a toothpick to create your designs. Have fun with this!
VI. Leave in the oven for about 25 minutes

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I miss my pets!

I can't believe its been three months since I've seen my amazing pets! I've always been such an animal lover and ever since I can remember I've always had some sort of pet to take care of. Living with my boyfriend and his family, I couldn't bring any of my furry friends into the house with me and I'm starting to miss them dearly! I bought a tiny beta fish to hopefully fill the void of my missing pets, but lets be honest, a fish is crap compared to a furry four legged creature!

This lovely fellow is Caeser!
I bought Caeser a little over a year and a half ago to help me get through the stressful long distance relationship with my boyfriend at the time. He put the smile back on my face! He's a tiny little dwarf hamster who licks your fingers when you put it up next to the cage. He's so adorable. I miss the sound of him running on his wheel for hours during the day. He's seriously the cutest little fellow I've ever owned! And I've owned many tiny animals haha.

This cute doggie is Scooch!
Yes I totally agree with you. Why in the world would anyone name their dog Scooch! Well ask my mother because I have absolutely no clue, but isn't she the cutest little dog ever?! Ohkay, so she's not so little. She is a Rottweiler mixed with a Chow. I swear she's the biggest baby ever! Let my mom walk out of her sight for 30 seconds and she's crying and screaming. She absolutely hates me, but its ohkay because I still love her!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Matte Me Crazy!

Photo by

All the rage! Matte top coats! Working as the manager at a beauty supply store we often get customers coming in asking about the essie matte top coat. Of course we don't carry it, but I was so curious about this whole "matte craze" and went in search of this matte top coat to try it out for myself. I didn't find the essie brand in any stores I hunted in, but I did find an NYC matte top coat in Wal-Mart! As soon as I got home I painted my nails and put it to the test, and WOW! It was really fascinating to watch the polish go from shiny to completely matte in only seconds! I suddenly realized what the big hype was about.

This is how the matte finish came out when I did it myself. You get that pretty matte finish just the same with the NYC brand as you do any other brand. However I do find that with this top coat your nails are more likely to chip quicker than with a regular top coat. Unfortunately your pretty manicure wont last as long as others ):